Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Fundamental analysis for Sunreit

Due to the uncertainty provided by the local and foreign environment, defensive stocks like reits is recommended as they provide good dividend yield (which higher than FD in bank) while searching for opportunities to invest undervalued stocks.

Reasons for analysing Sunreit
  1. Acquisition of the Sunway Putra Place will be expected to give a higher rental income for the company.
  2. Sunway Pyramid 3 will be expected to benefit Sunreit.
  3. Proposed MRT will be expected to benefit Sunreit. 

By looking at the P/E ratio, Sunreit has a ratio of 5.86 (as at 3 Jan 2012) which is the lowest among all the listings reit counters in Malaysia. After read through the newest report of Sunreit, the low P/E ratio is mainly due to the high unrealized gains of the company which higher than the 2 retail reits players (Hektar and CMMT). I believed that the high unrealized gains will be sustainable even though with a lower growth rate as the newly first quarter report ended 30 September 2011  recorded a higher rental income (rental income is the base for sustainable growth for property prices).

The vertical analysis has shown a normal distribution among all the components available in statement of financial position as compared to (Hektar and CMMT).

Vertical analysis for Sunreit 2011 (000) Ratio
Non-current assets
Plant and equipment 122 2.78595E-05
Investment properties 4,379,000 0.999972141
Investment in a subsidiary
4,379,122 1
Current assets
Trade receivables 9,393 0.127323004
Other receivables 5,068 0.06869722
Amount due from a subsidiary
Cash and bank balances 58,606 0.794409879
Derivative financial instruments 706 0.009569897
73,773 1
Total assets 4,452,895
Equity and liabilities
Unitholders’ funds
Unitholders’ capital 2,350,437 0.848211689
Distributable income 420,613 0.151788311
2,771,050 1
Non-current liabilities
Borrowings 1,502,025 0.966520468
Long term liabilities 52,029 0.033479532
1,554,054 1
Current liabilities
Trade payables 815 0.006377601
Other payables 67,626 0.529192197
Borrowings 59,350 0.464430202
127,791 1

Below are ratio analysis among the retail reits counters

Sunreit CMMT Hektar
Income statement ratio analysis
Net property income/Gross revenue 0.7453 0.6956 0.609
Net investment income/Gross revenue 1.9291 1.5652 0.6221
Profit for the period/Gross revenue 1.691 1.156 0.4312
ROE (ratio) before adjustment 0.2356 0.0825 0.1194
ROTA (ratio) before adjustment 0.1243 0.048 0.05
Realised income (ratio) 0.3022 0.2564 0.9742
Unrealised income (ratio) 0.6978 0.7436 0.0258
Balance sheet ratio analysis
Current ratio 0.5773 1.7972 0.13
Debt to equity ratio 0.6069 0.5877 0.8565
NAV per unit (according to lastest report) 1.014 1.0333 1.32
Market ratio
P/E ratio 5.8624(price=1.21) 17.78(price=1.44) 10.78(price=1.32)
Dividend Yield 5.438(price=1.21) 4.674(price=1.44) 7.803(price=1.32)

From the income statement ratio analysis, sunreit has shown a better result as compared to Hektar and CMMT because I seen it has a better profitability efficiency (in my opinion). 

From balance sheet ratio analysis, sunreit's current and debt to equity ratio lies between ratio figures of Hektar and CMMT. I look this as appropriate as the the ratio figures of Hektar and CMMT are in the extreme. However, Hektar has a better NAV per unit as compared to Sunreit and CMMT.

From market ratio, Sunreit has a better P/E ratio while Hektar has a better dividend yield.

Analysis of unitholdings

Sunway City Berhad (36.72%) , EPF (8.85%), Government of Singapore Investment Corporation Pte Ltd (4.99%) and AmanahRaya Trustees Berhad (5.87%) are the major shareholders of the company.

Overall, I interpret Sunreit has a good fundamental background and good growth opportunities in the future. 

(Note: This post does not contain a buy or sell order. Any information disclosed above might contain mistakes and any losses incurred from using the information above I will not be liable.)

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